Meet Ms. Beanie

Who is Ms. Beanie? 

Ms. Beanie is a humorous character created by Jennifer Kassir targeted at kids and teens to teach them that it’s okay to be different and to be comfortable in their own identity, also that even “weird” people can make it in life. She wants everyone to embrace being weird and love their inner child. Ms. Beanie is out of the ordinary, doesn’t understand social clues very much, loves to explore new things, has a food addiction, but most importantly is very caring deep down. She loves people and is trying to find love in the world. She wants to have wonderful relationships but she’s struggling. A lot of people think she’s mean but she’s only trying to protect herself from being hurt so she lashes out first. She also tries to not show people that haters affect her, so she appears confident but still has insecurities she hides. Sometimes her insecurities do show though. Ms. Beanie is on a journey and Jennifer’s purpose is to take people on a journey through Ms. Beanie to make them feel like they are apart of her world and so people can feel they relate, like Ms. Beanie is their friend. Jennifer wants kids and teens to feel heard and loved through Ms. Beanie. She wants to also teach that friendships have ups and downs and that it’s okay to make mistakes. Also to not be embarrassed or ashamed to break out of their shell. 

How old is Ms. Beanie?

24 Years Old

What is Ms. Beanie's Favorite Color?


Does Ms. Beanie have pets?

Two Parrots: Larry and Lady Blue

What is Ms. Beanie's favorite food? 

Pineapples on pizza 

What is Ms. Beanie's favorite animal? 


How many siblings does Ms. Beanie have?

Two. A brother named Jeffrey and a sister named Jaylene.